Don Noes

Administrative Pastor / Elder

Don Noes

Don Noes grew up in southern Ohio and graduated from High School in Middletown, Ohio.  He attended Miami University and Trinity Baptist Bible College and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Freedom University.

Don has served in several ministry and business roles, including Associate Pastor, SVP Sales and Marketing with Sony/Provident Music Group, SVP Marketing and Business Development with Integra Integrative and Chief Operating Officer with City of Peace Films.  He has also served on various business and entertainment boards in the Nashville area. His experience of more than 35 years in the Christian music, publishing and film industries have been in many ways a valuable resource to his current role as Executive Pastor.

Don and Vickie have served in several roles at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship since 1986.  Don has been married to Vickie for 45 years.  They have four children and seven grandchildren.  Don hobbies include reading, writing, cooking and hospitality.

Don’s been a believer and Christ follower since age 19. His life verse is found in 2 Corinthians 4:7: “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” (NLT)