Worship and Prayer Gathering - Every Wednesday in February
Join us every Wednesday night during the month of February from 6:30PM - 8:00PM
for a special time of Worship and Prayer in the Sanctuary as week call out to the Lord and seek His face.
Join us every Wednesday night during the month of February from 6:30PM - 8:00PM
for a special time of Worship and Prayer in the Sanctuary as week call out to the Lord and seek His face.
Join us for our 2nd Sunday Lunch on Sunday, February 9th, immediately following our Sunday morning gathering!
Hamburgers, Hotdogs and drinks provided.
Lighthouse Family Members: please bring a side large enough for your family and to share and a dessert!
Pick up a baby bottle this Sunday and return it by Feb 23rd!
For more info about Portico or to volunteer click HERE!
Join us the third Saturday of every month from 8:am - 9:30 am in the Connection Center. Iron Sharpening Iron in REAL-TIME with a breakfast, an encouraging word and time to battle together in prayer!
Every 3rd Sunday during our Worship Gathering!
Hear testimonies of how the Lord is working in the lives of those around you!
Join us for AWANA every Sunday night from 5:30 - 7:00!
Bible Study and Scripture Memorization while having LOTS OF FUN!
For Kids from 3 (potty trained) to 5th Grade.
Want to Get Connected?
Join us for one of our mid-week or Sunday morning small groups!
Click HERE to find a Life Group!
We exist to empower God’s people to love and transform our city and to impact the nations.